Here is the unlock list presented in the recommended optimum order: I advise you to select better equipped aircraft as you proceed through the objectives, wherever I've said "use any variation of an aircraft," this will increase efficiency. After many hundreds of flaming engines you will unlock the required presets one by one which can be viewed anytime in the hangar from the Main Menu to check your progress. Maintain a medium speed and fly straight (additionally I would advise using the IL-2 aircraft when being shot down because your first 100 matches played will unlock the 'Flying Tank' achievement). As the one being shot down, you should choose a large bomber, as they are the easiest to target, however you should not slow down. When you’re the shooter and are going for the kills or wins you should choose the aircraft you're working on and aim for the engines of your opponent. In most cases, the map you use doesn't affect anything, but cycling through these maps: Britain, Sicily, Stalingrad, Korsun, The Ardennes, and Berlin, as you go will unlock:Ĭhoose an average time limit of about 20-30 mins to allow a decent amount of kills but also to prevent lost connections and consequently lost scores. Personally, I’d recommend finding between 1-3 buddies to start and finish this with. This will increase your kills per match, but will also increase the amount of matches needed to unlock the achievements for the others. To increase productivity and decrease boredom, create Gaming Sessions for more than two and share kills, wins, etc. Every objective can be achieved with two players over Xbox Live. The online lobbies for IL-2 Sturmovik: Birds Of Prey are unfortunately all but dead, so you will have to set up private player matches and invite your friend or boosting partner in. There's no need to unlock it again, it's fine. In these cases, the preset will become viewable and available in the hangar after the aircraft is unlocked. Note that in some instances, you may unlock a weapon pre-set for an aircraft before unlocking the aircraft itself. I’ve combined the criteria of each and listed everything in correct chronological order, along with all multiplayer achievements available.

The full current unlock list below directs you through each specific objective to unlock the extra planes and weapon presets required. Then use them in online multiplayer 'Player' or 'Ranked' matches to win a certain number of games, destroy a certain number of enemy planes, and destroy a certain number of enemy ground targets. Firstly, complete the campaign and Single Missions on Arcade to unlock the default aircraft. Most of the multiplayer achievements will be unlocked automatically on your way to the 'Weapon Collector' achievement - this involves unlocking all the Aircraft in the game and their associated presets (various weapon load-outs).